Monday, January 31, 2011

Magazine Cover Draft One

Mag Cover Draft One

Friend Feedback:
  • The pictures do not flow and everything is a bit all over the place with no real structure. It's a bit plain with not enough colour. The writing also is not very clear.

Final Poster

final poster

Friend Feedback:
  • Like the second draft, the picture used is to a high quality. The writing has been sorted from the previous and is now easier to read and sharper. The way the shoes and the word trouble are highlighted is very unique as the audience start to question as to who they are.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Poster Draft Two

Poster 2

  • Can't read 'trouble' very well
  • Great picture, looks very professional in black and white
  • Red shoes stand out and have connotations of love and danger
  • Name of soap is clear and unique
  • The info about the soap is a bit small
  • The picture used is to a high quality giving a more professional finish. The writing is not that legible due to the lighting of the picture and this is seen in the word trouble. The shoes are highlighted in a different colour is something that would draw the audience in.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Draft Poster One

poster 1

Friend Feedback
  • 'New' is a bit difficult to see
  • Slogan is too small
  • Information is too small
  • Good contrast of red, black and white
  • Picture is good and interesting
  • Leaves the audience wanting to know who are the silhouettes
  • From a quick glance the picture may not be obvious
  • Make fonts bolder and bigger
  • The idea is there and the colour scheme works however there doesnt seem to be any structure of anything that would entice the audience. The writing is also very hard to read.