Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Filming: Day Four 26/11/10

Time: 10:15
Actors: Jasmine Lee, Lewis Spaul, Hannah Cullen, Jo Peplow-Revell, Lewis Montague, James Hancock, James Garrod, Tim Bousfield
Locations: Brickbarns, St Annes Castle pub - Great Leighs

Today was our last day for filming. As we lost footage from one of our cameras for the St Annes Castle shot, I went off to re-film this section. This worked in our favour as our actors for our 'lads' were in different costumes, so this was okay as was still going to follow continuity. We split up to make sure we had enough time to collect and film all the footage we needed as we had approximately an hour to film. I helped to direct the last scene alongside everyone else. I also took lots of photographs for our poster and magazine.

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