Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Filming: Day One 18/11/10

Time started: 3:50 (after school)
Actors: Jasmine Lee, Hannah Cullen, Tamer Saleh, Jo Peplow-Revell
Location: Great Leighs

Today we shot our scenes for the reveal of Helen's children and also we attempted the reveal of Deano looking at Danielle and then seeing she is pregnant. We were aware that as it is now Winter, it gets dark very quickly after school. We set up two cameras so we could film two different angles and it also gives us more to choose from when editing. Also, taking several shots of the same scene will enable us to decide the one we think is best when editing and putting our footage together. My input within this was included in directing and deciding on the position of the cameras.

A main problem we have encountered today is that we will be unable to use Jennifer Pike as she has other engagements so we decided to use Jo instead. We agreed this due to her looks being similar to the original idea we had for Danielle. Jo supports the same brown hair and slim figure we imagine from Danielle so it was fitting.

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